Miscellaneous projects
StrandStorm (graphics)
Hair simulation and renderer collab semester final project spring 2023
OpenGL Playground (graphics)
Mess of various graphics / computational geometry projects for courses at University of Utah
Moviz (visualization, web)
Project for Data Visualization course. Visualization of movie data. Won runner up best project!
Petri (graphics, physics)
High performance particle simulator written in Rust, with simple collision physics. Can handle 500k+ particles at 60fps!
Cellarium (graphics, simulation)
Simulating cellular automata in WebGL with dynamic rulesets in a single fragment shader
WaifuXL (machine learning, web)
A project I helped work on with friends. WaifuXL a 100% client-side web tool for upscaling graphic art using machine learning.
CUDA Raytracer (graphics)
Simple parallel raytracer on the GPU with CUDA C++
Petting Zoo (machine learning)
Machine learning game environment with genetic algorithm